Routine Maintenance Tips for an Engkel Truck
15 Juli 2024 | 0 Likes

Perawatan truk harus dilakukan secara rutin, sebab truk memiliki beban lebih besar serta jarak tempuh yang lebih panjang jika dibandingkan dengan kendaraan penumpang.
Lalu, bagaimana perawatannya? Apakah lebih sulit dan lebih mahal dibandingkan kendaraan penumpang? Berikut ini penjelasannya.
Kendaraan jenis truk memegang peranan penting bagi kelangsungan industri sebuah perusahaan, terutama bagi perusahaan yang harus mengirimkan barang setiap hari dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya dalam jumlah yang banyak. Bahkan tak sedikit perusahaan hingga menyewa truk untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengiriman barangnya tersebut. Dengan kata lain, truk memang memegang peranan kunci sebagai salah satu penunjang lancarnya sebuah bisnis.
Berikut ini 3 tips mudah perawatan truk agar tetap prima untuk menunjang lancarnya operasional perusahaan
Cek oli setiap hari
Oli berfungsi untuk melumasi setiap komponen mesin yang bergerak saat truk digunakan. Semakin sering truk digunakan menyebabkan oli terus bekerja keras melumasi mesin. Sehingga wajib bagi kita untuk terus periksa kualitas dan kadar oli pada mesin truk.
cek oli mesin
Cek warna oli. Jika sudah berwarna hitam pekat, tandanya oli harus segera diganti apalagi jika truk sudah melebihi jarak kilometer batas penggantian oli mesin.
Periksa juga kadar olinya, apabila berkurang sebaiknya ditambahkan atau periksa ke bengkel karena dikhawatirkan ada kebocoran pada mesin yang menyebabkan oli mesin berkurang jumlahnya.
Periksa tekanan ban sebelum berjalan
Selalu periksa kondisi tekanan angin ban setiap truk ingin digunakan. Jika tekanan angin kurang, akan berpengaruh pada konsumsi bahan bakar dan kinerja mesin truk yang semakin berat. Sebab, jika angin kurang atau kempes akan semakin menambah beban truk. Upayakan tekanan angin ban sesuai dengan standard panduan dari pabrik agar meringankan beban dan mengoptimalkan kinerja truk.
Rutin servis mesin sesuai jarak tempuh
Ketiga, rutin servis mesin sesuai jarak tempuh yang sudah dilalui. Semisal unit truk sudah beroperasi dengan total jarak 10 ribu kilometer, maka harus mengganti filter udara. Jika sudah beroperasi dengan jarak 20 ribu kilometer, sebaiknya ganti juga oli mesin. Hal itu dilakukan agar tidak menimbulkan kerusakan mesin yang berpotensi menguras biaya perbaikan nantinya. Seluruh unit truk di Multi Inti Transport yang aktif tersewa di pelanggan, terjamin perawatannya melalui servis rutin sesuai jarak tempuh. Demi memudahkan pelanggan, kami juga menyediakan layanan mobile service yang melayani perawatan truk seperti penggantian oli, filter udara, dan lainnya di lokasi pelanggan.
Tiga tips tersebut sekilas sangat mudah dilakukan, namun pada praktiknya keseringan pengemudi atau tim penanggung jawab perawatan kendaraan kerap kali tidak disiplin dalam upaya perawatan truk ini.
Pengemudi seringkali mengabaikan rutinitas pengecekan oli mesin, tekanan ban, dan jadwal servis rutin yang semestinya dilakukan. Sehingga tak heran jika banyak truk yang kondisinya tak lagi prima karena terlalu dipaksakan tanpa adanya kesadaran untuk upaya perawatan. Padahal biaya perawatan jauh lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan biaya perbaikan.
Truck maintenance should be done regularly, as trucks have a larger load and longer mileage compared to passenger vehicles.
Then, how is the maintenance? Is it harder and more expensive than passenger vehicles? Here is the explanation.
Truck vehicles play an important role in the continuity of a company's industry, especially for companies that have to deliver goods every day from one place to another in large quantities. In fact, many companies even rent trucks to fulfill their delivery needs. In other words, trucks do play a key role as one of the supporters of a business.
Here are 3 easy tips to keep your truck in top condition to support your company's operations.
Check the Oil Daily
Oil serves to lubricate every moving engine component when the truck is in use. The more often the truck is used, the harder the oil works to lubricate the engine. So it is mandatory for us to keep checking the quality and level of oil in the truck engine.
Check the color of the oil. If it's pitch black, it's a sign that the oil needs to be changed immediately, especially if the truck has exceeded the engine oil change limit kilometer.
Also check the oil level, if it is reduced, it should be added or checked at a repair shop because it is feared that there is a leak in the engine that causes the engine oil to decrease in amount.
Check Tire Pressure Before Driving
Always check the tire pressure every time you want to use the truck. If the tire pressure is low, it will affect the truck's fuel consumption and engine performance. This is because if the tires are underinflated or flat, it will increase the load of the truck. Try to keep the tire pressure in accordance with the manufacturer's standard guidelines to lighten the load and optimize the truck's performance.
Routine Engine Service According to Mileage
Third, regularly service the engine according to the mileage that has been passed. For example, if the truck unit has operated for a total distance of 10,000 kilometers, the air filter should be replaced. If it has operated with a distance of 20 thousand kilometers, you should also change the engine oil. This is done so as not to cause engine damage that has the potential to drain repair costs later. All trucks in Multi Inti Transport that are actively rented to customers are guaranteed maintenance through regular service according to mileage. To make it easier for customers, we also provide mobile service that provides truck maintenance such as oil changes, air filters, and others at the customer's location.
At first glance, these three tips are very easy to do, but in practice, drivers or teams responsible for vehicle maintenance are often undisciplined in their truck maintenance efforts.
Drivers often ignore the routine of checking engine oil, tire pressure, and routine service schedules that should be done. So it's no wonder that many trucks are no longer in top condition because they are too forced without any awareness of maintenance efforts. In fact, maintenance costs are much lower than repair costs.
Service Truk
Perawatan Truk
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